Fixed: Side View Mirror

Hey all! I’ve been super busy the last few days. One of the tings I had to do, was repair my side view mirror.

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Remember, as shared in They Track Me Via GPS, I explained how I repair my car, and do maintenance work while trying to keep Uber and XChange Leasing from ruining my credit…


“Now, repo men can’t tow another car to get yours, nor can they cause damage to other property in the process of obtain your car. So, I remove my car from the garage, block the driveway with the 2 other cars, and my mechanic does the work.”

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So how did my side view mirror get damaged?

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One night, while working for Lyft, on my way to pick up a passenger (important fact), at SFO, ANOTHER LYFT DRIVER hit me while trying to merge into my lane. He was logged in and on his way to pick up a passenger as well.


When you, as a rideshare driver, have logged into your app, and accepted a ride, when in route to pick up your passenger, you are covered under the insurance provided by the rideshare company (commercial insurance). That considered, when I was hit, I was covered under Lyft’s insurance, which has a $1,000 deductible. So, Lyft’s high deductible, coupled with the predicament where I can’t just take my car to a repair shop (where the Repo men could just come and pick it up) lead me to make the decision to just repair out of pocket, which was SOOOOOOO much cheaper anyways!


Costs for me to repair:

  • Side View Mirror: $54 (dealership quoted me $419)
  • Skull Cap for mirror (I wasn’t aware that my side view mirror would come with one, so essentially this was an unnecessary expense): $28
  • Paint Job for Skull Cap (painted BEFORE attaching to car, so I would not have to take the entire car to the paint company…. Also, took picture of color code, in car, in driver side door, and took to company, so I didn’t have to take my car to the paint place at all, and it could remain secure at all times): $50
  • Mechanic to install new side view: $50




… As opposed to Lyft’s $1,000 deductible and the dealerships $419 JUST FOR PARTS… 


Looks good, like new, doesn’t it???


… Yes there are 2 Cadillac’s (a CT6 and an STS blocking my car…. Welcome to the house of Cadillac)….


Post repair, moving cars to original “storage” position.


Tucked away nicely….. (I washed her since this post)…. Washing and detailing are done via the same “secure” method…


Say goodbye, as she’s going to be tucked away a few more days before we head “home” (the open road).


She’s safe and secure. Any attempt to break into this locked garage to retrieve her is breaking and entering…. But to even commit that crime, the Uber repo men would have to illegally tow the CT6…


Garage closed. Both Cadillac’s parked. Back to the regularly scheduled program…

I told you….
